Distortion Series

Book jacket series designed based on the concept of distortion.

This series focuses on conveying three different stories by three different authors and unifying them through a single concept as well as visual elements. My concept behind the series is centered on the idea of distortion whether it may be physical in the event of an earthquake (The Rift), extraterrestrial such as a black hole (Singularity), or even mental distortion (Amnesia). 
The process involved building small props and photographing them for each book jacket. The final jackets were printed and then screen printed to achieve striking color combinations. 
The color combinations loosely represent each form of distortion it stands for:
The initial adrenaline rush and sense of horror during an earthquake.
The mystery that shrouds black holes, and cold vacuum of space.
The subtle, or possibly violent manner in which one loses their memory.
Props made and photographed for each book jacket.
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